Class Discussion Forum

It is a discussion referring to the structures, force's and material's. learner's are expected to participate and ask promp question. Summary of the topic.

- Forces can be static or dynamic.
- Different force act on different objects in different ways with different consequence.
- Loads can be even or uneven.
- Strength of a material is its ability to resist deformation when forces act on it.
- Bending is amajor cause of structural failure and is common in most structures. It is caused by   compression and tension.
 -Cross-bracing and triangulation is ios used in structures to prevent bending. Brancing distributes the 
   fogrces that act on the structure evenly throughout the structure so that bending does not occur.
- Properties  of various construction materials include mass or density, hardness, stiffness, flexibility and corrosion resistance.

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